What metrics can I track in the Infinite App?

The Infinite App allows you to track a variety of wellness metrics. Here’s a list of metrics you can track:

  1. Mood: Rate your overall mood on a scale from Awful to Great.
  2. Activity: Log the type, duration, and intensity of your physical activities.
  3. Sleep: Record your sleep duration and quality.
  4. Fatigue: Track your fatigue levels from Very Light to Extreme.
  5. Pain: Indicate pain location and severity on a body map.
  6. Nutrition: Log your meals, snacks, and rate their healthiness.
  7. Water Intake: Track the number of cups of water you drink.
  8. Menstruation: Record your menstrual cycle days.
  9. Steps: Track your step count automatically via a connected wearable or health app.

These metrics help you monitor and manage various aspects of your wellness effectively.